贵嘿小历史 · http://www.guihei.com · 历史上的今天


农历丙寅年三月初十日 阅览:5476 次 发布时间:2024-08-03 20:14:05

1986年4月18日 (丙寅年三月初十),美国大力神火箭发射失败。




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  • hollylab23@plea--2018-04-10 21:58:40:wow that is very sad that they worked hard and it had an explosion i am sorry for the familys
  • hollylab23@plea--2018-04-10 21:58:40:wow that is very sad that they worked hard and it had an explosion i am sorry for the familys
  • hollylab23@plea--2018-04-10 21:58:40:wow that is very sad that they worked hard and it had an explosion i am sorry for the familys
  • hollylab23@plea--2018-04-10 21:58:39:wow that is very sad that they worked hard and it had an explosion i am sorry for the familys
  • hollylab23@plea--2018-04-10 21:58:39:wow that is very sad that they worked hard and it had an explosion i am sorry for the familys
  • hollylab23@plea--2018-04-10 21:58:35:wow that is very sad that they worked hard and it had an explosion i am sorry for the familys
  • hollylab23@plea--2018-04-10 21:58:32:wow that is very sad that they worked hard and it had an explosion i am sorry for the familys